Monday 6 September 2010

What do you want for breakfast?

Japan is may be one of the most shocking country in the world. And everyone can find lots of reasons why - creations, lifestyle, fashion etc. But when we talk about the Japanese food - things are getting serious !  Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you the weird Japanese snacks and drinks!

When you are living on an island, it is normal that most of your daily diet will come from the sea. And the Japanese people have proven that "if it swims, we can eat it" !
And the first group with Japanese food is from the sea.


1. Roasted baby crabs

Sad but real... in Japan is normal to eat even babies.

2. Fish sperm /shirako/

Shirako is male genitalia of fish, a sack that contains the seminal fluids. It is very popular in pubs and sushi bars. Blah...

3. Whales and dolphins /kujira & iruka/

Even though it is proved that in dolphin meat the level of mercury is higher than normal, the people in Japan still eat it. That's one of the reason for killing dolphins. And nothing can stop this. 

4. Fermented seafood /shiokara/

This fermented seafood has fishy and salty taste. It is sold in glass or plastic containers. Looks awful! 

5. Dancing Icefish 

The meal contains very small fish that are eaten alive (that's why they are dancing in your mouth). 

6. Shishamo 

This is saltwater fish, which is grilled whole (often full of eggs in it).

7. Dried squid or octopus

Dried squid is the Japanese equivalent to beef jerky snacks but with fishy taste.

Another popular in Japan group of food contains INSECTS - nightmare for ones but delicious snack for others.

1. Grasshoppers /inago no tsukudani/

 2. Aquatic insects /zazamushi/ 

 You can find it in almost each restaurant in Japan or canned in the supermarket. These insects are inhabiting gravel beds in rivers. Zazamushi is the name of all kind of insects found there. The name "means "insects that live in a place where the river makes the sound zaazza as it flows".

3. Bee larvae /hachinoko/

One great addition to your beer !


1. Fermented soybeans /natto/

Natto is smelling, strong flavoured sticky web of fermented soybeans, served during breakfast. 
2. Horse meat

Horses are used only in a few countries as a food and Japan is one of them. It can be served raw with different kind of sauces. The name of the horse meat in Japan is "sakura"which means cherry blossom (because of its pink color). 

In Japan you can also find horse meat flavored ICE CREAM

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